Top Ten Tuesday (TTT #7)


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly book meme hosted by the lovely people over at The Broke and The Bookish. To learn more about how it works, please check the launch page here!

This week’s topic is:
Top Ten 2016 Debut Novels We Are Looking Forward To

I only have five books on my list, but let me just say that I am crazily excited over each and every one of them. I’m always so happy about seeing debuts become a big success. I guess you could say there’s a bookish cheerleader inside me waiting to be unleashed on everyone, but hey! Can you blame me? Books are great! And happy is the reader who scored a really great read from a debut author. There is always a need for fresh voices in the literary world.

T H E    L I S T :

Number one on my list would be This Is Where It Ends by Marieke Nijkamp. It has a really harrowing plot which reminds me a little bit of Hate List by Jennifer Brown. Hate List left a really bitter taste in my mouth but it also opened my eyes to this thing that’s been happening in so many schools around the world, and what causes it. I am hoping that this book would be as thought provoking as Hate List was. I haven’t read a book that affected me so in a while and I’m crossing my fingers that this might be it. (Expected Publication: January 2016)

Number two: These Vicious Masks by Tarun Shanker”Jane Austen meets X-Men in this gripping and adventure-filled paranormal romance set in Victorian London.” Please tell me that doesn’t excite you even just a little. Please tell me you’re not itching to get your hands on this book right now. You can’t tell me that because we both know you’re dying just as much as I am to get your claws on this book. I really, sincerely hope it delivers because gosh dang, look at that cover. I’m practically salivating right now. Good bye. (Expected Publication: February 2016)

Emily May, who is my most favorite book blogger of all time, probably, gave this book a glowing recommendation and a whopping four stars. If that’s not reason enough for me to read it, then there’s also the blurb which is really, really interesting. Firsts is about Mercedes, a girl who likes to sleep with other girls’ boyfriends (provided that they’re virgins) so they could give their girlfriends an amazing time in bed, which Mercedes herself never had. I am so curious as to how things would play out for her and I haven’t even started the book yet, so needless to say, I’m actively looking out for this one. (Expected Publication: January 2016)

Then there’s this: Kill The Boy Band. Wait, which one? I kid, I kid. As a self-confessed fangirl of One Direction and 5 Seconds of Summer, you can tell why this book would appeal to me. I’d say the cover needs something more but the premise is very interesting to me. I’m expecting a wild ride from start to finish, since, you know, fangirls are notoriously known to be a little cray. I don’t mind that at all. In fact, I look forward to it. We all need to read something cray once in a while, and if it includes hot, musically inclined boys (God, I sound like a pervert, don’t I? Sorry!) and a cute love story, then why the heck not, right?! (Expected Publication: February 2016)

Look at this pretty freaking cover! Oh my God. Last on my list is Save Me, Kurt Cobain. Aside from boy bands, I also like rock bands. And of course, I am in-love with Nirvana. The blurb hooked me right off the bat because *gasp* Frances Bean has a sister??? And her name is Nicola??? I think this would be such an interesting read, plus Jennifer Niven who wrote All The Bright places gave it a glowing review. It does sound a bit like it might hurt my feelings, but you know… Some sacrifices we have to make in the name of good literature, and books that hurt my feelings are often the best kinds. (Expected Publication: March 2016)

That’s it this week for me! So happy to be participating again in Top Ten Tuesday after my break from blogging. I’m hella excited to find out which books are on your lists! Feel free to hit me up with your comments and link me to your TTTs!

Thank you so much for dropping by TCB, and happy reading!

12 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday (TTT #7)

  1. Cait @ Paper Fury says:

    I’m ridiculously excited about that Vicious Masks because….wooooah, how about that pitch, right?!! Xmen meets Jane Austen is something I can’t quite comprehend SO I NEED TO READ IT FOR SURE. XD
    Thanks for stopping by @ Paper Fury!

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